• History and story of Rani Padmini / Rani Padmavati
• Very beautiful and courageous queen in the pages of Indian history; Rani Padmavati is mentioned. Rani Padmavati is also known as Queen Padmini. Rani Padmavati's father was the king of the Singhal province (Sri Lanka). His name was Gandharvasen. And his mother's name was Champawati. Padmavati was very beautiful and attractive to be seen from the childhood. His parents raised him big with love and affection. It is said that in childhood Padmavati had a talking parrot named Hiramani.
• Rani Padmavati Swayamvar
• Mahārāj Gandharvasen had devised his own self-service for the marriage of his daughter Padmavati, for which the King-Maharaja of different Hindu states of India had come to participate. Malkhan Singh, the mighty king of a small kingdom also came in the crowd of Raja-Maharajas engaged in the Raj Darbar of Gandharvasen. Married King Raval Ratna Singh was also present in the same self. He defeated Malkhan Singh in self and proved his authority on Rani Padmini and married him with Dham Dhooma. In this way, King Raval Ratna Singh won his second wife Rani Padmavati in Swayamwar and returned to his capital Chittod.
• State of Chittor
• Para lover and justice patron Raja Raval Ratna Singh, Chittaur was running the state in a very efficient manner. In their rule, the people there were happy with every way. Raja Raval Ratan Singh was skillful in the skill and politics of Ran Singh. His grand court was more than one full of Mahavir warriors. Chittor's military power and warfare were far-known.
• Pravin musician Raghav Chetan of Chittor
• The musician named Raghav Chetan was very famous in Chittoor state. Maharaj Raval Ratna Singh considered him very much, so that Raghav Chetan was given special place in the Raj Darbar. The Chittor Prajas and the Maharaja of that place did not know that the magic of Raghav Chetan music art was also public. It is said that Raghav Chetan used his demonic talent to defeat the enemy and prove his work. One day when Raghav Chetan was doing some of his technical work, he was caught red handed and was presented before Raja Raval Ratna Singh in the Rajdarbar. Maharaj heard Chetan Raghav guilty of hearing all the arguments of the evidence and the prosecution side and immediately blackened his face and set off on the donkey and dispatched the country.
• Raghav Chetan from Allauddin Khilji
• Raghav Chetan got bogged down by taking revenge on his insult and state. Now the only goal of his life was to survive and that was the complete destruction of Maharaj Raval Ratna Singh of Chittor. With the same purpose, he went to the state of Delhi. His intention to go there was to attack Delhi's Emperor Alauddin Khilji and attack his Chittor and complete his retaliation.
• In the 12th and 13th century, the throne of Delhi was ruled by Allauddin Khilji. It was not an easy task to meet the King of Delhi in those days. That's why Raghav Chetan settles in a forest near Delhi, because he knew that the King of Delhi Allauddin Khilji is fond of hunting and his offering here will definitely be with Alauddin Khilji. After waiting a few days, he finally gets the result of patience.
• One day Alauddin Khilji reaches hunt in a dense forest with his special security personnel fighter squad. Raghav Chetan starts playing his flute right after getting the opportunity. In a short while the tunes of the flute fall in the ears of Allauddin Khilji and his soldiers soldiers. Allauddin Khilji immediately calls Raghav Chetan to come and proposes to show his talent in Raj Darbar. At the same time, Chalak Raghav says to Chetan Allauddin Khilji:
• What will you find, like ordinary town like me, by decorating your state court, if you have to achieve, then look towards other rich states where there is a prized possession of one and the other, and it is also easy to win and achieve them.
• Alauddin Khilji immediately asks Raghav Chetan to tell his point of view rather than Puzzles buzzans. Then Raghav Chetan's military power in Chittor State, the security of Chittaur Garh and each secrets connected with the estate
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